Timbits U7 - limited spots remaining!

U9 - spots available

U11 - FULL

U13 - limited spots remaining!

U15 - limited spots remaining!

U18 - FULL

U21 - spots available

** Please contact the Registrar to be placed on the waitlist


  • Registration for either new or returning players does not guarantee placement on a team this coming season. Registrations are subject to available space in each age division.
  • Registration will be based on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis, per division, per level, by using the date and time a player was registered through our online registration system. 


  • June 1 - 12:00pm (Noon) - Returning Players - Registration Opens

    Registration opens for returning players June 1st at 12:00pm (Noon) **IMPORTANT -- Returning players are NOT guaranteed a spot if they do not register in time.

  • June 15 - New Players - Registration Opens

    Registration for new players opens June 15th. Registration will run through to August 15th and is subject to space availability.

  • June 15 - Transferring Players - Registration Opens

    Registration opens June 15th. Registration will run through to August 15th and is subject to space availability.

  • July 15 - Payment Plan

    You must register on or before July 15th to be able to participate in the payment plan

  • July 15 - Late Fees for U9-U18

    ALL registrations for U9-U18 that are received after July 15th will incur a $100 late registration fee. NO EXCEPTIONS

    *Late fees do not apply to U7 and U21

  • August 15 - Rep Tryouts

    Any player wishing to attend Rep Tryouts must register by August 15, subject to availability.

  • After August 15th - Contact Registrar

    Contact the TCFIHA Registrar to register. In the past few seasons most of our divisions are full by August 15th. 


Players are NOT permitted on the ice until Registration and Rep Tryout Fees (if applicable) are paid in FULL


Before you begin the registration process you must have a Hockey Canada ID (HCR#).


  • Registration for either new or returning players does not guarantee placement on a team this coming season. Registrations are subject to available space in each age division.
  • Registration will be based on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis, per division, per level, by using the date and time a player was registered through our online registration system. 

Each 'Player Type' has a different set of requirements and steps for registration.

Click the appropriate 'Player Type' from the list below for instructions on how to register

Depending upon the number of teams we form, some players may be wait-listed. In these cases, registration status will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis using the date and time when a player was registered through our online registration system.

Please note that the Internet Explorer web browser is not supported by Teamsnap Registration.

Before contacting the Registrar, please ensure you have read in full the information outlined within this registration page.  

For further inquiries please email the TCFIHA Registrar